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(Hello Stranger) 3 hari tanpa sinyal yang menyenangkan

3 hari tanpa sinyal yang menyenangkan Hallo hai, Its me Fafa again So, here I am gonna tell you bout ma journey couple days ago I got an invitation from (special) friend of mine to join his “UKM” called Nada do (UKM Musiknya STTA) makrab at Ngeden beach. It one of unfamous beach located in Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta Awalnya sih waktu gue dapet ajakan itu gue ragu. My mind said “lah itu kan makrab UKM, ngapain gue harus ikut?” but ma heart said “ikut aja” . And yeah finally after thought it for couple of minutes I decided to join. (dasarnya emang suka dolan sih hahaha) Friday, 10th of November I was on ma way to jogja lately morning by bus. I arrived at Giwangan bus station on 12.04 AM. Hadid (re: friend of mine) pick me up in front of terminal after he prayed Jum’at. It was 2 years more after I met him for the frist time at 2015. And suprisedly he still being the some person with the guy I met then. (stop! I dont want to tell bout him here) Jadi sesampainya

Free trip to Jatim Park 1

Free trip to Jatim Park 1 For about a moth ago. I got a small trip to East Java with “Kabinet Pemersatu” – kabinet’s name of students executive assosiation when I was part of there. Students executive assosiation or in bahasa we call it as BEM Universitas is a highest level of students assosiation on campus commonly. It quite awkward when we were gathering together before we took to the road. Because it almost a years we were -especially me not chit chat even just small talk with ‘em. And a week before the trip I suddenly got an invitation to join that trip. I decided to join the trip since 2 pals of mine –Melinda and Andin also joint the trip. So yeah. There we went. We took to the road at ± 09:00 PM by the bus. Regrettably me and Melinda choose the wrong seat. We choose the back most seat. The seat was stuffy, strict and cramped. The AC was broken, very extremely had uncomfortable position. and we through the alternative road which some road are demaged and the mai

About My Crush

Have you ever admired someone? Have you ever felt so excited to just hear her/his name? And being upset if there’s another else converses about her/him? If yeah, exactly we are in the same boat. Oke. Let me tell you about my crush. Stereotipically we admire someone because of her beauty / his handsomeness or something like popularity etc. Right? Yet, in my case   it doesn’t something like that. It was happened to me since I was on fifth semester. When I was first time met him. I was imediatelly enamored with him. He was my lecturer on my sociolings class. Partically he was’nt my “real” sociolings lecturer. But for some reasons that I didn’t know why, he became my licturer that semester. He was 27 years old, single ( means have’nt married yet), and he was on his way raising his Doctoral degree in UNS. At first I thought I would admire him just for awhile I used to. Cause yeah I am easy to admire someone but in a short time. Nevertheless it doesn’t applicable for him.

Sepenggal cerita tentang “KEPEKAAN”

Sepenggal cerita tentang “KEPEKAAN” Di suatu siang di sebuah ruang perpustakaan salah satu sekolah swasta di kota Semarang, terdapat dua kelompok mahasiswa yang sedang magang dari dua universitas yang bebeda. Sebut saja Universitas C dan M. Siang itu ruangan tersebut tampak sepi. Hampir 90% orang yang ada di dalamnya asyik dengan gadgednya masing masing. Tak terkecuali dengan si ibu penjaga pepus. Ia juga tampak sibuk mengerjakan sesuatu di mejanya. Pun tak seorangpun siswa datang ke perpustakaan. Salah seorang mahasiswa berlipstick merah cabe tampak kesal karna tak ada stopcontact yang kosong. Sambil mengulur-ulur kabel charger yang tertancap di stopcontact dan berharap ada yang tak terpakai, dia berkata dengan suara yang sedikit keras “ada yang batrenya udah penuh ngga? gantian dong. Butuh leppy buat ngajar nih”. Tak ada respond. Beberapa orang hanya menoleh dan melanjutkan urusannya masing masing. Ia berhenti sejenak dan mulai melihat sekelilingnya. Membatin kesal karna tak