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Free trip to Jatim Park 1

Free trip to Jatim Park 1
For about a moth ago. I got a small trip to East Java with “Kabinet Pemersatu” – kabinet’s name of students executive assosiation when I was part of there. Students executive assosiation or in bahasa we call it as BEM Universitas is a highest level of students assosiation on campus commonly.
It quite awkward when we were gathering together before we took to the road. Because it almost a years we were -especially me not chit chat even just small talk with ‘em. And a week before the trip I suddenly got an invitation to join that trip. I decided to join the trip since 2 pals of mine –Melinda and Andin also joint the trip. So yeah. There we went.
We took to the road at ± 09:00 PM by the bus. Regrettably me and Melinda choose the wrong seat. We choose the back most seat. The seat was stuffy, strict and cramped. The AC was broken, very extremely had uncomfortable position. and we through the alternative road which some road are demaged and the main road was under contructions.  It took 11 hours to turned up the trip location with some trouble with the bus. So yeah you can guess how it felt nah?.
At 07.45 in the next morning we arrived in the rest area for taking a shower and ate our breakfast. The place has a cozzy view. at least my suffering last night got paid with the view lah. After that ofcourse we went to destination. it was “Wisata Petik Apel and Jatim Park 1”
My favorite part was when we were in Jatim park 1. It become my second time I went to playground again since the last time I went to DUFAN couple years ago. And for the first time finally I did encourage my self tried to riding “roler coaster, Tornado and of course with too much willy-nilly I went into “Rumah Hantu” also”
The feeling?
 It extremely thrilling, suspenseful and exhilarating.
Roler coaster gave me experience like I dont know how to explain but let imagine yourself getting into your seat and getting strapped in. The ride slowly takes off and you start the incline. Your ears are hypnotized by the clicking of the gears while, you watch yourself start to move. Your blood starts rushing and you can feel every inch you move and it becomes faster, more faster, and fastest. Wuuuusssss
Dramatically, when you start to went high, high and finally at the top of the tornado stop for awhile then your body was shaken from the twists turns and loops. Your adrenalins make you feel the sling shot of velocity ever drop you take. It such your heart pounding, skin-tingling, sticky wetness drenching your body as your stomach lurches up toward your throat. Meh. I just wanna cry at that time. huuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
And for Rumah hantu? No coment. I even can’t explain bout my feeling at that time. I just closed my eyes and hid ma face onto my one’s back in front of me. can you imagine how was me? LOL.
But I dare you to try them out. If you never try it before.
Happy get the challage.


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